




Ukedream Ukulele-Circle ©  (Copyright)

(Circle of fifth)



See also:

Transpose Chords with the Ukulele-Circle

Exercise Chords with the Ukulele-CIrcle


You get the Ukulele-Cirkel © in the  Shop


The Ukulele-Circle is an absolute must-have for the Ukulele player and it will accompany you through your whole players life.


Besides various features it has a size that fits in every ukulele case and has 12 edges so it will not role from the music stand.





The Ukulele-CIrcle is a circle of fifth.

Here you will find all chords sorted in a way that they sound well together.



The wheels can be turned around .

See: Exercise Chords with the Ukulele-CIrcle






Here you will find:

- A turnable wheel to transpose chords.

- With a short easy explanation how to use it.

- A display of the fretboard with notes

- An example how to grab chords (e.g. G-chord)

- An example who a tabulature looks like.



See also:

Transpose Chords with the Ukulele-Circle

Exercise Chords with the Ukulele-CIrcle